SGM Energy, the strength of a young and dynamic Group


Professionalism, experience and international market knowledge are the distinctive features of the company

Strategically located in a strategic point for the development of the Mediterranean area, in the industrial area of ​​Morcone (BN), a point of connection between the Tyrrhenian and the Adriatic side of the Italian peninsula, SGM Energy Srl has affirmed its leadership in commercialization wholesale of lubricants for industry, automotive and agriculture, also acting as brokers between European companies and operators in the sector of the national territory. Founded in June 2011, over the years, however, this young and dynamic reality has changed its core business: from 2014 it began, in fact, to offer logistics and deposit services to other industry players and aimed at creating a new supply chain. commercial consisting of direct sales points and franchises. To illustrate in detail the corporate mission, is the dott. Vincenzo Mignano, founder of the Group.
Dr. Mignano, the company you direct which services offers to customers?
SGM Energy Srl is at the service of companies operating in the lubricants sector, which do not have an authorized structure, which for convenience prefer to use a “turnkey” outsourcing service and which seek to make use of the precious collaboration of a serious partner and reliable; a partner that has consolidated its position in the reference market with a strong know-how and a long experience in a highly exclusive sector. Being, in fact, regulated by a very strict legislation, to date only a few operators are able to obtain the licenses and authorizations necessary to operate in full compliance with the legislation in force. In light of this, SGM Energy Srl is a service provider, offering companies that require a complete service regarding logistics, storage and regulatory requirements and acting as a guarantor in international relations with its partners.
What is the corporate mission?
With the aim of expanding its horizons, aiming at an internationalization of the corporate vision, in the short term the company has the following strategic objectives:
• create and patent software that manages to unify the management of business processes, in the specific sector, in full compliance with the dictates of Legislative Decree 504/95 (T.U. Accise);
• transferring its know-how to other companies in the sector;
• shorten the commercial chain by making competitive partners and affiliates.
What are the company’s strengths compared to the competition?
The consolidated experience in the sector, a high regulatory know-how (Legislative Decree 504/95 TU Accise), international market knowledge, industrial and managerial assets, the continuous R & D activities implemented by the company to find new outlets and new squares with relative transfer of skills and knowledge, the audacity and perseverance of a Group that knew and wanted to innovate, considering the change the main key to success, are the reasons that allowed SGM Energy Srl to retain its customers, among which stand out multinationals of the oil, energy, automotive and transport sectors. In addition to maximizing customer care, the company aims to establish long-lasting business relationships with new partners, both nationally and internationally, thanks to its “distruptive” vision of the European borders.
In conclusion, how do you see the entrepreneurial future of our country?
A society in existential lethargy, a country no longer able to plan the future, unable to develop an entrepreneurial reserve that represents its backbone and therefore remains a prisoner of the great economic, political and social subjects that have led the country in past years . To stop Italy’s decline, we need a season of radical reforms in the economic, social and institutional fields. Rediscovering the path of growth and widespread prosperity is only possible if entrepreneurs are truly free to work, invest and innovate, if the country returns attractive for the talents and capitals of the world, and if the policy will bring down the too many corporate privileges that guarantee the positions of income of the few to the disadvantage of the many, stifling the energies and humiliating the legitimate expectations of the younger generation. Exactly what I do not want for my children.

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by Roberta Imbimbo